7 Qualities of A Confident Woman You Can Learn Right Now

The confident woman. You know her. She walks around, smiling and happy, shoulders back and comfortable in her own skin. Confidence. A struggle for so many women. Why is this so hard for so many women? We were raised to be seen but not heard. We were raised to take care of others. We were raised to repress our own needs. We were raised to be people pleasers. These are all things we have to unlearn and work on every day. How can we increase our confidence? Here are a few tools that confident women have in their toolbox.

One – Confident women are positive.

Confident women practice positivity. They know that bad things happen and that there is always something positive that they can grab on to. They know that they are in control of their thoughts and of where they choose to focus. They know that they control their lives which includes how they feel about themselves. They choose positivity because it feels good. She’s the one that will always be able to find the good in a bad situation.

Two – Confident women have goals.

Confident women have goals for each area of their lives. They know that they will be happier when they have a balance in their lives. They continuously work to become the best version of themselves. Setting and reaching their goals boosts their self-confidence. The more they show up for themselves, the better they feel about themselves. She’s the one that continuously improves herself and pushes herself to make her dreams happen.

Three – Confident women don’t compare themselves to others.

Confident women know that we are all on our own journey. They know that life is not about comparing themselves to others, but rather only to who they were yesterday. They know that there is room for everyone to succeed and that it feels good to lift up other women up. They don’t take things personally because they realize that most things are not about them anyways. They know that holding grudges only steals their joy and energy. She’s the one is happy for the other women who have achieved more than her because we are each on our own journey and success is defined by you alone.

Four – Confident women have self-love.

Confident women are filled with self-love. They know how to get happiness from within and don’t rely on others to give it to them. They practice self-care for their mind, body and soul. They exercise to improve their health and to feel good. They follow their passion and do things that make them feel alive. She’s the one that loves herself so much that it pours out of her cup and spills onto you and makes you feel loved and special.

Five – Confident women practice authenticity.

Confident women are authentic. They don’t let the fear of judgement stop them from living fully as themselves. They know that in order to be happy, they have to show up exactly as they are right now. They know that no one is perfect and the more they show up imperfectly, the more comfortable others people are around them. They don’t pretend that they don’t have struggles like every other person in the world. They don’t conform to what society says they have to do, but rather they do what feels good for them. She’s the one that can sport grubby or glam clothes and own them both or blue hair and not have it phase her personality.

Six – Confident women know when to say no.

Confident women know when to say no. They have strong boundaries because they know how to protect their energy. They know that trying to do everything will leave them emotionally exhausted. They know that they can’t make everyone happy so they say no without feeling guilty. She’s the one who says no to even the simplest request, with no hesitation, if she knows it doesn’t align with who she is or will affect her ability to show up how she wants to in life.

Seven – Confident women know their strengths and weaknesses.

Confident women know their strengths and weaknesses. They know that everyone can’t be good at everything and that we all have our limits. They focus on their strengths and use them to their best capabilities. They ask for help on their weaknesses by delegating or learning how to do something new. They know that learning is lifelong and they can’t learn it all at once. They are always working on themselves to become the best version of them that they can. She’s the one who has no problem saying she doesn’t know the answer and asking questions so that she can improve.

Confidence is not something you’re born with. It’s something you have to work at, every single day. I have a Facebook group dedicated to improving yourself filled with a community of like-minded people! Join it here! Confidence is earned. The more you work on yourself, the more confident you become. The seven qualities described are things you can start implementing in your life TODAY to become a more confident version of yourself. Affirmations are another great way to start building your confidence and they work! Confident women live a happier life. Isn’t that reason enough to start now?

Download a free list of confidence boosting affirmations below!

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