Having a growth mindset sets you up for success

The type of mindset you have will determine your success and happiness in life. And aren’t we all looking for success and happiness in whatever way that looks to us? There are two types of mindsets – a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. People with a growth mindset are happier and more fulfilled in life than those with a fixed mindset. That’s a fact. They know that you can learn and grow to improve yourself and your life, that your past does not determine your future, that you can change your story at any time, are not scared of failure and enjoy new challenges. People with a fixed mindset tend to focus more on the negative, think their potential is predetermined, believe they are either good at something or aren’t and can’t improve, don’t like to try new things because they take failure personally and get frustrated easily when trying to improve themselves so they tend to quit. If you see yourself in the fixed mindset category, don’t worry! Here are 4 strategies to use to move towards a growth mindset.

Change Your Self-Talk

That tiny voice inside your head that tells you that you can’t do something, that you’re a bad mom or friend or whatever else it’s telling you. Tell it to go away. If you aren’t even aware yet of that little voice, I call it my inner critic, then it’s time to start paying attention to your thoughts. That’s step one. Step two is to change your thoughts when they come up negative. Remind yourself of all the reasons why what your inner critic is saying isn’t true. This takes practice guys, but it’s well worth putting the time in to do this work.

Start A Morning Routine

The things you do first thing in the morning set up the rest of your day. Take this time for yourself – meditate, read, journal, exercise, etc. This way, you’re starting off the day FOR yourself and giving yourself the energy you need. When you listen to the news, check your e-mail or scroll on social media first thing in the morning, you’re giving away your energy to other people right away and not taking time for yourself that you likely will not get back during the day. Your life is full – you have a job, family and friends to love and a number of other things to tend to each day. Make sure that you’re starting out the day with giving yourself some love and attention.

Tackle New Challenges

Accomplishing new challenges increases your confidence. This doesn’t have to be something big. Starting small is recommended. But guys, make sure you stick to it. Once you realize that you are capable of learning new things, you will grow your confidence to tackle bigger challenges and soon you won’t even look at them in the same way! You will look forward to them because they give you the opportunity to learn and grow and become a better version of yourself. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Face Your Fears

You’re always gonna be scared, no matter how successful you are. Are you going to let fear get in the way of living your best life and achieving your dreams? So often, we have this fear of failure. We internalize the failure as WE are the failure. Guys, just because something didn’t go the way you thought it would, doesn’t make you a failure. It means you haven’t found the right way yet, and that’s ok! When you were a baby and you started walking, do you know how many times you fell down and GOT RIGHT BACK UP until you figured it out? Same idea applies here. Maybe you have a fear of judgment about failing. Honestly guys, if someone is going to judge you for trying to accomplish something and improve yourself, then I think it’s time you ask yourself if those are the kind of people you want in your life.

It takes time to move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset but it’s an investment in yourself worth making. You will live a happier and more fulfilled life. So if you’re happy now, then try to imagine it even better! Are you unsure where to start? Working with a coach is one of the most effective ways to meet, and exceed, your objectives. By partnering up with a mentor who has already walked the path to success, and knows the best strategies to execute to reach it, you, too, can become wildly successful in your life. Head over to my coaching page to see how my program can benefit you and start changing your life today! 

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